Philanthropy for people with disability in Australia: Actors and insights

The Achieve Foundation is a new philanthropic organisation with a bold vision of an inclusive Australia for people with disability. We commissioned Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to carry out this research to get a clear picture of disability giving in Australia.

The report presents QUT’s findings to stimulate an informed dialogue with the philanthropic and disability communities about strengthening the contribution that philanthropy can make to improving the wellbeing of people with disability in Australia. The study found that a ‘typical’ Australian disability philanthropic funder only focuses on a single condition or disability health issue and thus adopting a particular support strategy. Philanthropists also tend to fund a disability issue in only one Australian state or territory. The report found that the disability philanthropy field in Australia is operating at small scale, with no indications of collaborative funding to achieve greater impact. There is no apparent big picture plan or informed vision for the future.

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